
  • Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 7 – Fyrsnott in Broath

    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 7 – Fyrsnott in Broath

    Merry Fyrsnott to all the denizens of the Strael Islands! But, what’s this? Our heroes haven’t prepared a special gift for their comrades yet? And they’re trapped in the industrial hellscape of Broath, the city of bridges? Uhoh! Better snap to it, lads, and quick.

    On this special festive episode of Idle Fantasy, Cassius prepares his wine-snorkel, Taryn teaches the art of pickpocketing, and Zraka perfects his dart game.

    You can listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like you what you hear? Support us on Patreon at patreon.com/idlefantasy


    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 7 – Fyrsnott in Broath

  • Idle Fantasy Ep 34: Monastery Marauders, Part 8

    Idle Fantasy Ep 34: Monastery Marauders, Part 8

    Well, well, well – it’s been a while, but it’s time for some combat! The Wishbone Boys are up against some cultish individuals in the grounds of the Helmfall Monastery, even as the battle starts to rage all about them. Will Glitch be able to make it down from the bush he climbed into? Will Teddy ever roll more than 10 damage dice at once? And just how did Wattick get so good at combat rolling?

    This episode, Glitch takes up the high ground, Teddy gets a stain on his party armour, and Wattick joins tumble tots.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like what you hear? If you want to sling us a few quid to keep making this podcast, you can here: https://www.patreon.com/idlefantasy

    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy Ep 34: Monastery Marauders, Part 8

  • Idle Fantasy Ep 33: Monastery Marauders, Part 7

    Idle Fantasy Ep 33: Monastery Marauders, Part 7

    A storm gathers atop the Helmfall Monastery – and our heroes are caught between a rocky island and a hard place as they start to reveal the rotten core of the brotherhood of Banwyvvern. Bloody John is actually a member of whatever sex cult Glitch was into, and any plans for a big party to celebrate the return of Cassius the Chosen look like they’ll get cancelled. It’s up to Glitch to sneak his way under the stone hallways to find out what might be going on, while Teddy and Wattick decide what to do with a body…

    This episode, Glitch remembers beans, Teddy has trouble aiming, and Wattick lets his conscience be his guide.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like what you hear? If you want to sling us a few quid to keep making this podcast, you can here: https://www.patreon.com/idlefantasy


    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy Ep 33: Monastery Marauders, Part 7

  • Idle Fantasy Ep 32: Monastery Marauders, Part 6

    Idle Fantasy Ep 32: Monastery Marauders, Part 6

    As night falls at the Helmfall Monastery, the Wishbone Boys are up to no good – but are the monks up to even less good? Our heroes have a plan to find out, largely centring on plans to get a drink with Bloody John, via finding out some more about the Five, finding out what Hess’s deal is, and continuing to keep up the illusion of Glitch’s premature demise.

    This episode, Glitch is still pushing up the daisies, Teddy finally gets into his party armour, and Wattick steals a book from an old man.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like what you hear? If you want to sling us a few quid to keep making this podcast, you can here: https://www.patreon.com/idlefantasy


    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy Ep 32: Monastery Marauders, Part 6

  • Idle Fantasy Ep 31: Monastery Marauders, Part 5

    Idle Fantasy Ep 31: Monastery Marauders, Part 5

    Something is going on in the Helmfall Monastery, and the Wishbone Boys are on the case. If only they could get a decent plan together in time for the party… Though with some quick thinking and excellent post-pandemic rolling, they may not need one after all. Can they figure out just how weird these Torm-worshippers are? Will Glitch’s necromantic ruse work? And just what is Hess doing here, anyway?

    This episode, Glitch puts in a decent showing for an Oscar, Teddy is a good shout for Best Supporting Actor, and Wattick uses proportional violence.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy Ep 31: Monastery Marauders, Part 5

  • Idle Fantasy Ep 30: Monastery Marauders, Part 4

    Idle Fantasy Ep 30: Monastery Marauders, Part 4

    With the brewing tournament handily won, the Wishbone Boys are finally on their way to Helmfall, home of Cassius’s holy order and – before too long – some more silly goings-on. But something seems up with Bloody John Christ, and though the monastery island seems tranquil on the surface, our heroes quickly uncover a few worrying signs that the impending festivities may have a sinister undercurrent…

    This episode, Glitch gets handsy with a monument, Teddy is loud and proud, and Wattick meets Deckard Cain, at last.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy Ep 30: Monastery Marauders, Part 4

  • Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 6 – Cassius’s Prophecy

    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 6 – Cassius’s Prophecy

    It’s another Brucey Bonus episode of the Idle Fantasy Podcast, coming to you LIVE from isolation! This time, Paddy and Laurie delve into the prophecy surrounding Cassius, the dragonborn cleric who was foretold to be a Messiah in the Strael Isles. But is being a chosen one all it is cracked up to be? Were Cassius’s parents complicit in his miserable childhood? And, for once and for all, is he actually gold?

    With thanks to our Patreon supporters who allowed us to put this exclusive content out on the main feed. You guys are the real heroes.

    You can listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like you what you hear? Support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/idlefantasy


    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 6 – Cassius’s Prophecy

  • Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 5 – Stories aboard the Duskstormer

    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 5 – Stories aboard the Duskstormer

    In a break from our scheduled programming, we’ve found a little slice of Idle Fantasy history – a selection of our roleplaying games from the deck of the Duskstormer, led by everyone’s favourite eldritch being, First Mate “Rubberbottom” Goggins. Hear about Zraka’s free-loving caravan lifestyle, Taryn’s meditation on the nature of koala bears, and Cassius’s infamous tale of the rabbit, the fox and the bell.

    We hope you’re all staying well and safe indoors. Lots of love to you all.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like you what you hear? Support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/idlefantasy


    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 5 – Stories aboard the Duskstormer

  • Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 4 – Other Characters

    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 4 – Other Characters

    In a break from our normal broadcasting, settle down to a special bonus helping of Idle Fantasy as your dice chief Laurie Havelock and Glitch-channeller Paddy Gervers discuss the first DnD characters they played in the Strael Islands.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Like you what you hear? Support us on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/idlefantasy


    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy: Bonus Episode 4 – Other Characters

  • Idle Fantasy Ep 29: Monastery Marauders, Part 3

    Idle Fantasy Ep 29: Monastery Marauders, Part 3

    What sort of adventure would be complete without faffing around at a Brewmasters’ Tourney? Not one featuring the Wishbone Boys, that’s for sure. But will their plan to lace the Dwarves’ prized Thunder Ale with Wattick’s extra-strong animal-bait go off smoothly? Or will they encounter Gullspit’s second-most-famous export, its mighty sea fowl?

    This episode, Glitch takes time over his coffee, Teddy is halted by a large gull, and Wattick violates the Geneva Convention. Again.

    Listen to Idle Fantasy every #FantasyFreakyFriday on iTunes or any good podcasting place. You can follow us on Twitter @IdleFantasyPod or email us at idlefantasypodcast@gmail.com.

    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy
    Idle Fantasy Ep 29: Monastery Marauders, Part 3
