The Last Wish


Details on what happened in this arc.

Part I

The adventurers Cassius, Taryn and Zraka scour the pirate town of Velde in search of the evil drow sorceress, Vandra. Will our level 20 heroes make short work of their prey? Or does Vandra have something unexpected in store?

This week, Cassius remembers Bloody John Christ, Taryn gift wraps some skellingtons and Zraka gets quite angry.

Part II

With Vandra defeated, our three adventurers should be poised for tea and victory sandwiches – but she has one last trick up her sleeve, and Cassius, Taryn and Zraka awake to find themselves in unfamiliar surroundings and in unfamiliar bodies. That’s right. It’s time for #FantasyFreakyFriday for real.

This week, Cassius gets no answer on the Godphone, Taryn keeps a low profile, and Zraka discovers that he’s a local celebrity.

Part III

Stuff is weird in Velde, but not so weird as our three heroes’ living their wildest Fantasy Freaky Friday dreams. Their only lead is that Taryn‘s new vessel, a deep gnome by the name of Wattick, owns a potion shop in the shadier part of town. But is what awaits them there any more terrifying than their single-digit hit points?

This time, Cassius makes a creepy new friend, Taryn has to have a sit down, and Zraka has a fumble with two halflings in the dark.

Part IV

The Freaky Friday Three find themselves with two halfling-shaped problems – and one dog-shaped one – in Wattick‘s Workshop and the prospect of having their legs broken by the Duke. But while Wattick has a cunning plan involving a home-brewed potion to get the goons to talk, the rest of the party are more worried about who the heck their new bodies actually are. Can the three of them escape the long arm of Velde’s underworld?

This episode, Glitch does some housework, Teddy discovers his humble origins, and Wattick breaks bad.

Part V

Things got a bit weird last time on Idle Fantasy, what with Glitch discovering his secret graveyard shack with a not-at-all suspicious hidden orgy dungeon underneath, so our party turn for the comfort of the pub! The Three Goats is one of Velde’s most beloved crap establishments – but might also be the right place to start asking questions about the mysterious Duke – so the Freaky Friday Three head there to find out more about the sinister goings on in this town.

This episode, Glitch meets his boss, Teddy is enraged by a tree, and Wattick remembers the Great Seal Clubbing.

Part VI

The Freaky Friday Three are hot on the tail of the Duke but don’t know where to find him – until Hess, the surly half-elf, offers to take them to him via Velde’s stinking sewers. But when our heroes meet a dead end, and their elfy guardian has to attend to other business, will they survive their very worst enemy: their own boredom?

This episode, Glitch is sexually intimidating, Teddy takes his armour off and Wattick flosses his pipe.